Pricing Plans


pricing image
Visits per month
Total Sites
Hosting type
Bandwidth per month
Imported SSL
24/7 phone support
Consultative onboarding
Dev, Stage, Prod
Transferable Sites
Multisite ready
PHP 7 ready
Global CDN
Page Performance
SSL certificates
Content Performance
Imported SSL
Readiness assessment
Success management
Application Performance
High availability

We Offer


No Multi Tenancy

With single tenancy, each customer has his or her own independent database and instance of the software. Essentially, there is no sharing happening with this option.

LiteSpeed Web Server

LiteSpeed Web Server is the leading high-performance, high-scalability web server from LiteSpeed technologies. Best of all, it can be integrated without breaking anything.

cPanel Hosting Control

The cPanel Control Panel is more than a regular website management tool, it is a whole fully featured platform for administering all aspects of web hosting.

PHP Selector

Customers can choose from among ten different PHP versions and sub-versions, and from more than 120 PHP extensions, to run exactly what they need.

Easy to scale & DDOS Protected

Forget about your service freezing on payment processing, slow loading of product pages, or website inaccessibility due to a large number of visitors.

Patchman Killer

Your personal hosting bodyguard. On compromised hosting accounts, Patchman detects uploaded malware and automatically quarantines it for you.

Money back guarantee

Our money back guarantee gives you peace of mind that our services will meet the expectations set out in the TOS.

Build and protect your brand

Optimize security with exclusive ServerSecure protection available for fully managed Windows and Linux servers.